To new adventures and following your dreams

Walt Disney once said: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
That quote could not be more apt for me right now as I launch Ballyhoo PR, a company that I have been thinking about setting up for years.
Now I am on the cusp of it all becoming a reality, I can’t help but feel a mixture of pride, excitement and nervousness.
Whilst I am only at the start of my journey as a small business owner, I can’t help but already feel that I have done the right thing in taking the plunge.
‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’ and a load more clichés I could mention have been ringing in my ears in recent weeks.
Around two weeks ago I decided to ‘go public’ on social media about my plans to launch Ballyhoo PR, which will provide a range of PR-related services to help small to medium-sized businesses to grow their business and reputation. I was inundated with messages of support from ex-colleagues and old school friends as well as total strangers on LinkedIn who liked the sound of the services I am offering. This has been extremely encouraging, especially as some have exclaimed ‘about time’ and ‘you should have done this years ago, you will be brilliant’ – talk about an ego boost!
Since then I have had two new business meetings, attended a networking event and a workshop and joined my local Chamber. I have also completed one copywriting job which came in through Facebook before the business had officially launched! I have also been approached by several like-minded people who are keen to work with me in the future on particular projects.
So, here I am at the beginning of my self-employment journey and I hope you all come along with me for the ride and continue to read my regular blogs, which I am intending to be a mixture of updates on how the business is developing as well as also providing some useful hints and tips on how to generate some publicity for your business in the print media and online.
For more information on the services being offered by Ballyhoo PR, go to our services page.
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